Motion Design Artists “Right to Party” Document 

This document is always updating to reflect our values as the community grows. We are committed to making this slack a safe space for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, age, or religion.

TL;DR – Don’t be a jerk and update your avatar!

As part of the Motion Design Artists Slack group, you agree to the following behavior…

  1. We are respectful to others. Have honest discussions but do not personally attack other members. Be open to opinions that might differ from your own.
  2. We encourage people to ask and respond to questions of all levels. Respond to questions in a helpful way and refrain from ridiculing another user for asking an “easy” question. If you ever feel uncomfortable asking a question in a specific channel, please reach out to an admin to discuss a resolution.
  3. We are part of the same community which also includes people from Adobe, Maxon, Red Giant, many scripts/extensions/plug-in creators, and more. Please be respectful and constructive in your feedback about their products.
  4. We refrain from using language that can be considered oppressive (systemically or otherwise), eg. sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. – this includes (but is not limited to) various slurs. Avoid using offensive topics as a form of humor.
  5. We have zero tolerance for abuse, harassment, or discrimination and take complaints from our users seriously.
  6. We do not tolerate advocating piracy in any form.
  7. Update your default avatar with your own customized picture asap! 🙂

If you say something that is found offensive and are called out…

  • Listen without interruption.
  • Believe what the person is saying & do not attempt to disqualify what they have to say.
  • Ask for tips / help with avoiding making the offense in the future.
  • Apologize and ask forgiveness.
admin profile image with purple banner

Selected members of this slack are Admins. Their role is to vet incoming members as well as enforce the ideas listed in this document. Admins have an indication graphic on their avatars. Refrain from including this mark on your names or avatars.

If you believe a user has violated this Code of Conduct, please message one of the admins. A list of admins is available by typing !admins into any channel or direct message. If the admins decide a user has violated the terms and conditions listed above, we reserve the right to suspend or ban members.